Monday, June 3, 2013

Last day in Suchi...

Today is my last day in this wonderful little town Suchitoto. The people here are amazing.. so generous and sweet. The nature is incredible. Yesterday was the perfect way to spend our last activity day.

First we went up the mountain of Guazapa. We took five wonderful horses, their names are Mariposa, Bruneno, Katrin, Carmello, and one I can't remember. They were quite a trip. There were two that hated each other, and they kept fighting when they were near each other. There was also two that were always fighting to be in the lead. My horse was one of them. I rode on the beautiful Carmello. He was half horse and half mule, but he was the best horse there. The guide kept telling, that Carmello was "fruerte." Meaning strong.

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