Monday, June 3, 2013

Last day in Suchi...

Today is my last day in this wonderful little town Suchitoto. The people here are amazing.. so generous and sweet. The nature is incredible. Yesterday was the perfect way to spend our last activity day.

First we went up the mountain of Guazapa. We took five wonderful horses, their names are Mariposa, Bruneno, Katrin, Carmello, and one I can't remember. They were quite a trip. There were two that hated each other, and they kept fighting when they were near each other. There was also two that were always fighting to be in the lead. My horse was one of them. I rode on the beautiful Carmello. He was half horse and half mule, but he was the best horse there. The guide kept telling, that Carmello was "fruerte." Meaning strong.

Wartorn Wall

The wall has every person accounted for perishing during the Civil War in El Salvador. The civil war lasted from 1979- 1992 and killed 70,000 to 80,000 people and left approximately 8,000 disappeared. This is because of a war between the guerillas and the military. Although the military murders accounted for about 75% of the total death rate. 

It was a horrendous time to travel to such a gorgeous and happy country.  

The View from the look-out!

The look out is where many people spent parts of their nights and mornings. It is located at our first place we stayed "Central Loyola". It was the perfect place to journal, mediate or relax. The view, whether night or day was incredible, and it painted a beautiful picture of the capital San Salvador. At night the lights were bright but during the day one could see all the mountain tops.

On our last night the 8 students sat up there and discussed our futures, our pasts, our hopes and dreams and even cracked a few jokes. Especially, about a green flashing light that was reported to be a "UFO." But it reminded me more of the bat signal. Which ever it was it was a moment to never be forgotten.

These photos taken by: Jenny

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hopefully this blog will allow you to uncover the real El Salvador!

So El Salvador is not only beautiful and sweet... its a place of hardship, and a horrible history. These are the things that I have discovered on this trip. The stories are unbelievable and hard to hear and below I will attempt to explain them.

We arrived at our second destination! :D


This place is beyond gorgeous... there are so many wonderful trees, birds and everything else you could want. It is beyond gorgeous for a walk, and you can really see God here. Its in the people, the land, the way daily life functions. It is truly a beautiful place, and I can see why people want to live here. In Suchitoto, we met sister Peggy. She is beyond hilarious and sweet. She is so animated when she talks and makes everyone laugh. She is so personable. One day my I would love to return to Suchi and discover that most of their hardships have vanished but that all of their wonderful spirit and gratitude has remained.